We are against high rise development on the beachfront property at 580 Briny Ave. in Pompano Beach

The View North from SE 8th Street on Briny Ave

This photo shows a night time view from SE 8th Street on the beach side, looking north over Briny Ave. This photo was taken in December 2009, but reflects the same neighborhood feeling that we have come to love... a low-rise, beachy, pedestrian friendly street.


UPDATES from our EMAIL list: 

Change of hands/structure here at the

SaveBriny & SavePompano Adventures!

Ok, so here's what's NEW:



We are becoming a larger collective voice within the city.

We need to move forward with hiring an attorney to assist with helping our one collective voice be heard, who can help us to navigate the correct legal paths. Thank you!


The attorney that represents the Developer for both the hotel and the 580 Briny project reached out to us again, and when we asked about their intentions for a meeting, aka "what do you plan to bring to the table after reading our objections to the proposed project", the attorney responded:

"We will be meeting the requirements of the code. If you’d like to meet to discuss potential improvements on or around the site, we’d be happy to discuss and implement what we can.

If you do not want to meet, we will conduct separate outreach to neighbors."

What this says to our team is that the developers are UNWILLING to work with us on any of our concerns.

So far, any responses from city officials have explained that "their hands are tied", which I understand to mean that they have their own agenda and won't get in the way of the developers on their own.

The city's own PLANS to revitalize Briny Ave. nearly 10 years ago included over $5M in investments, with two of the prime goals achieved listed as "traffic calming" and "pedestrian culture preserved". 

Please note, that in their own imagery of the proposed "look" of Briny Ave, (view from Briny Ave between SE 2nd & 4th Street looking south) there are no additional high rise buildings located on the beach side of the street, or along Briny Ave. in general.


UPDATE 3/4/2024

Just received an email regarding the new plans for 580 Briny Ave. from the City of Pompano Beach.
They are proposing a total height of 120'6".

Link to updated information: 2024 Proposed Plans 

UPDATE 2/29/24

What one of our volunteers was told via phone about the project is that the developers resubmitted another proposal to the Planning and Zoning Board with 17 Apartments, 34 parking spaces (2 per apartment; not underground), all parking on the property, mixed use with a small retail location, 10 stories high.

What was also conveyed is that this "fits" with the AOD guidelines and was therefore somewhat "pre-approved" by the city.
Our volunteer was also told, "This 580 submission fits the AOD Code, and change happens whether we want it or not".

If we want to make a change, we will have to make our voices heard with the city, and LOUDLY.
The current zoning says "up to 105 feet" in the AOD description, it's not automatically guaranteed or warranted... so if residents voice their concerns, then we may actually be able to work with the city and developer to find a compromise on the height of the new structure.

Looking for attorneys that may wish to volunteer their time/expertise to help us!  
Ideally, they would be familiar with state, county & local ordinances/rules that may help us be able to navigate this in a legal fashion for those of us whose property values may be negatively affected by this property being built to 10 stories and impacting our sunshine as well as privacy.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering their assistance, please have them contact us at info@savebriny.com. Thank you!  

You can skip ahead in the video by clicking on Item #5 in the Index

UPDATE 6/28/23

Our initial Planning & Zoning Meeting was a success, with five (5) votes for denying the zoning change from RM-20 to PD-I and two (2) approving the zoning change. 

So, this is the FIRST step in keeping this developer at bay with high-rise development. 

We still have A LOT OF WORK to do, and this is NOT over. 

It's a marathon, not a sprint. Next up, we have to raise more awareness, work with city officials to draft our responses and then we have to show up and speak out for the next two Pompano Beach city commission meetings as well as to any potential changes that the developer tries to bring to the Planning & Zoning Board. 

This is JUST the beginning. 

I want to share that I'm grateful to all who took the time to show up and/or speak at the meeting tonight, and we will definitely be planning a get-together with next steps to be made official soon. 

More later - it's been a LONG few days. 

Much love for all of our Briny Extended Family! 

There is a new property owner at 580 Briny Ave. which is currently zoned as RM-20, and normally allows a maximum height of 35'. The property is currently zoned for a maximum of 17 units, as per their gross density.

However, the property is currently located within the Atlantic Overlay District (AOD), which would allow for the city to approve a potential development of a building up to 105' in total height.

We agree that redevelopment of the now derelict property would be an asset to Briny Ave and we would be fully supportive of a proposed redevelopment with a limited height (we'd prefer three to four stories) and maximum density of up to 17 residences at 580 Briny Ave., which is what is currently allowed by the city of Pompano Beach, and we are asking for the city to approve potential development plans that ONLY reside within those specifications. 

We do not want any zoning changes or height variances approved, and we would advise the city to take into account how much a higher building would impact the surrounding neighborhood, in sunlight, privacy, and more. 

We would pose the question, "Should Briny Ave., a side street that promotes a safe, walkable Pompano Beach, enjoyed by many, be included in the Atlantic Overlay District (AOD) or be excluded from additional high rise development on the beach?"


Please PRINT and share this PDF with EVERYONE local you know. Get them to scan and sign this petition. We want to have as many local signatures as possible!!! **Please DO NOT sign more than one time.

If you would like to remain informed of upcoming city meetings, and also be informed of additional upcoming projects/site plans, please join our EMAIL LIST.

Please note, this website will be continually updated with pertinent information as well as upcoming city meetings, etc. Please email us/join the newsletter to be added to any upcoming email updates.

Initial Email response for information from the city of Pompano Beach:

I received your voicemail, and I’m just about done with the public records request.


The public records documents will include the files submitted by the applicant for PD-I rezoning application PZ #22-13000012, which is tentatively scheduled to be heard at the 6/28/2023 Planning & Zoning Board meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to attend, where they may speak for or against any application during the public hearing portion of the meeting. Additionally/alternatively, written comments can be emailed to zoning@copbfl.com in advance of the meeting where they will be added to the official backup of the referenced agenda item. We have received a number of emails regarding this item already, and each will be included in the agenda backup. 


The public hearing notice, attached, will be mailed out this week to owners of real property within 500 ft of the subject property. The notice will also be posted in the Sun Sentinel on 6/22/2023.


The agenda for the 6/28/2023 Planning & Zoning Board meeting will be posted by close of business day, seven (7) days prior to the meeting date on the city’s Meetings webpage: https://www.pompanobeachfl.gov/meetings. The P&Z meeting will be held at 6 PM in Commission Chambers on 6/28/2023.


In summary, the applicant is proposing to rezone the property at 580 Briny Ave from RM-20/AOD (Multiple-Family Residence 20 / Atlantic Boulevard Overlay District) to a PD-I (Planned Development-Infill). The associated Site Plan, which must be approved separately, proposes 28 multi-family dwelling units with ground floor retail in an 11-story building.


If approved, the rezoning will allow the applicant to capture the gross density (gross density includes the land area taken to the centerline of adjacent rights-of-way) rather than net density which is limited to the subject property’s lot area. Currently, 20 units/acre are permitted by right under RM-20/AOD; the PD-I rezoning, if approved, will allow for up to 25 units/acre.


The rezoning also proposes to increase the maximum allowable height of the building: up to 105’ is permitted in RM-20 zoning, but the PD-I proposes a maximum height of 112’, 8”. There are other minor deviations from the RM-20 zoning district being proposed, but those are the main ones.


Please note the P&Z meeting is not the final step. The Board simply will consider all evidence, and issue a recommendation memo of support/non-support to the City Commission. Subsequent to the P&Z meeting, two readings at the City Commission (two additional meetings) are required in order for the rezoning to be formally adopted. Those are also public hearings, so again, the P&Z meeting is by no means the final opportunity for members of the public to voice their concerns.


I hope you find this information – along with the public records request – helpful. And of course please feel free to email or call me if you have any additional questions.

18 Story Hotel at 101 S. Ocean Blvd.

This will be updated this weekend, for now, please see the limited information on the page with the address 

and sign this NEW PETITION