Proposed Plans

Please note, clicking within the google Drive folders below will allow you to view the MANY files we received from the City of Pompano Beach, regarding all the proposed development. You can click, save, read, print, etc... there are MANY files in there, including their applications, proposed site plans, proposed floor plans, shade study, landscaping, etc. 

Folders have many files within the sub-folders, so I wanted to make sure to include access for anyone with the link so that everyone can be informed about the potential for the size and layout of this proposed building. 

For those of you who want "Just the Basics", I'm including some of the drawings and the shade study below.

Proposed Building - with 28 Units if approved with new PD-I zoning

019 A-201 West Elevation.pdf
020 A-202 North Elevation.pdf
021 A-203 South Elevation.pdf
022 A-204 East Elevation.pdf
023 A-301 Materials.pdf
024 A-302 Site Vicinity Plan.pdf

Shade Study - Note different times of day and times of year

032 A-504 Shadow Studies.pdf
031 A-503 Shadow Studies.pdf

Note some basic ground level proposed site plans

012 A-103 Ground Level Floor Plan.pdf
025 A-303 Ground Level CPTED Plan.pdf